There are many layered and complex reasons as to why I want this tattoo, so I'll try and simplify things...
People ask me all the time what the meaning behind my facebook middle name is.
It’s become such a norm to associate “starving artist” with my myself that whenever I am a featured performer, I am ALWAYS announced as “Devon the starving artist Ginn”
Damn you facebook! LMFAO
It’s almost become a staple to who I am as a performer because of the direct meaning behind it, and why I choose to let the phrase “starving artist” influence the majority of my work.
As you all may or may not know...
I am a big guy...
and I like to eat. ;)
So don’t take the phrase literally.
The denotation of a “starving artist” is one who sacrifices his or her means of living for the sake of his or her craft.
The end result is simply assumed...
A skinny dude in tattered clothing and a paint brush.
Clearly not me. I’m too big for all that mess. Lol
The lil tag line under my name and pic on facebook reads
"...complacency with my art? I would rather starve."
I say this because I believe that settling for completion on any project leaves one is susceptible to becoming complacent with their art, thus leaving no room for growth.
Being complacent isn’t always bad... in fact, when something is overworked, it loses substance, and ultimately the initial meaning behind whatever is being created as a whole.
However, all artists (myself included) must know that it is important to remain humbled and focused. I constantly catch myself saying "this is perfect" or "What could I possibly add to this?"
I want this tattoo to serve as a constant reminder for me to never fall to complacency, and always remain humbled in spite of the many awards, gifts, or complements I receive.
Everything I do will forever end in "To be continued"
The reason why it is in Arabic is that my grandfather is a Sunni Muslim, and has always insisted that my acting and performance poetry was "feminine", and I should focus my efforts elsewhere.
A couple months ago, I asked him if I could read him a poem I dedicated to him over Skype (novedlife if you have one lmfao)He was reluctant because he was busy trying to convert me and such... but he gave in.
The piece I composed is titled, “Old Wicker Baskets, and Supposed Electricity”After I read it, he logged out of Skype, and called me a couple minutes later.
My grandfather, an orthodox Muslim, told me that my words moved him beyond all he had expected.
Long story short...
He cried...
He went on to tell me that that last time he cried was when his aunt passed away when he was a teenager.
My grandfather said the way I recited that poem reminded him of his father. He said it felt like father had never passed.
He apologized for calling my craft feminine because his father was the most masculine man he’s ever known.
I want every piece of poetry I compose to garner the EXACT same feeling from everyone who reads my work, or watches me perform.That moment changed my life both as a person and as an artist.
Tattoo idea...What do you think of the tattoo itself? It’s composed in traditional Arabic.
I’m still debating the size and location for this piece.
Any ideas?